Conch Kawasaki Held the 4th Conch Kawasaki Badminton Friendly Successfully

Read : 572  |  Release Time : 2022-06-24

To further promote the vigorous development of cultural and sports activities of the companies, to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of all employees, to strengthen the physical and mental health of the employees, to create a corporate culture of hard work and dedication, and to enhance the companies’ cohesion and centripetal force, Conch Kawasaki joint-venture companies held the 4th Conch Kawasaki Badminton Friendly 2022 on the morning of June 18th. More than 70 badminton fans from CKE, ACK, and SCKE attended this activity.

Mr. Zhao Mihan, the President Assistant of ACK, hosted the pre-friendly.

The chairwoman of ACK Union read out the rules of the friendly.

Mr. Wang Biao, the chairman of CKE, made a pre-friendly mobilization.

Mr. Wang pointed it out that: The purpose of holding the badminton friendlies is to enhance everyone’s fitness awareness, enrich our cultural life, and stimulate our spirit of indomitable struggle. Conch Kawasaki’s badminton friendly has been held for four times successfully. We are extremely gratified that increasing number of people participate in the friendly, the enthusiasm of both Chinese and Japanese staff to participate in it is very high, and more and more employees love badminton. It shows that our original intention of the badminton friendly has been achieved and the effect of the event has appeared! Here, I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues for their hard work in the friendly! In the end, I wish everyone will display a positive and vigorous spirit in the friendly, carry forward the sports spirit of friendship first and competition second, and play out the level, play out the style and play out the friendship! Hope that everyone will join hands together to write a beautiful chapter of Conch Kawasaki in unity, endeavor, and brilliance.

The friendly started after the mobilization speech. This badminton friendly included three events: professional doubles, amateur doubles, and amateur singles. All events contained only one round for each game. 31 points were capped. The first person who reached the score wined. As the whistle sound announced the start of the friendly, all team members of each group dedicated themselves into the matches. The players worked hard and played their skills incisively and vividly on the field, constantly attracting the audience’s bursts of screaming and applause. Outside the match field, cheerleaders clapped and shouted. Cheers came one after another. The friendly has fully demonstrated the competitive spirit of daring to fight and courageously compete for the lead. They really displayed the fine sportsmanship and built deep friendship through the matches. After the hard competition for more than three hours, CKE Wang Biao & ACK Li Zhaohui won the professional group doubles championship, CKE Zhao Bin & Song Yi won the professional group doubles second place, ACK Zhao Mihan/Ying Jian won the professional group doubles third place; ACK Zhou Kai, Wu Zongkui, Pan Youyong, and Wei Junjie won amateur singles awards;  ACK Tanaka & Nozaki, ACK Tao Rui & SCKE Tian Feng, CKE Xiong Dacang & Wang Laihao, Shi Yuanfang & Liang Yong won the amateur doubles awards.


Mr. Nemoto, the president of ACK, made a concluding speech

Mr. Nemoto, the president of ACK, pointed out in his concluding speech that the rich and colorful cultural and sports activities are an important spiritual power for the employees to love their jobs, work actively, and forge ahead in unity. They not only enrich the spare time life of the employees, promote their fitness activities, but also strengthen the unity and friendship among employees, departments, and companies. The friendly was full of laughter and energy, showing the positive spirit of employees, strengthening the cohesion of the companies and promoting the vigorous development of fitness activities for all employees. Hope the employees can take this friendly as an opportunity to strengthen physical exercise, devote themselves to work with a healthy body and make greater contributions to the development of the joint-venture companies.